
01524 410286

Hampton Road

Morecambe, LA3 1EJ

Below is the home learning for those children who are working from home at the moment. Remember you can call the school office for a paper pack of all the work if you prefer. Complete your work in the Home learning book you were given over the first lockdown. If you require another one, please don’t hesitate to ask. Send in your work to



This week in English we will be looking at the text The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

Session 1 – Look at the picture of the front cover and read the blurb on the back of the book.

Blurb – The Iron Man is a fearsome figure, wreaking terrible destruction wherever he goes. He cannot be stopped – but it takes a child to realise that he is not simply a hostile monster, but could even be a friend. Then, when a monster from outer space threatens to lay waste to the planet and its people, it is the Iron Man who finds a way to save them.

Learning activity at home – Can you think about completing these three tasks
Observe – What can you see from the front cover?
Wonder – What questions do you have after looking at the front cover and blurb?     ‘I wonder……….’
Predict – What do you predict will happen?

Now read chapter 1 of the story below.


Chapter 1



Printable version below – click the link

Session 2 


Chapter 2


Printable version below – click the link


Read the second chapter and underline any words you are unsure of. With an adult try to come up with the  definitions for each of the words. Now think about these questions.
Who are the main characters?
Where is the story set in this chapter?
When is the story set? Remember sometimes you need to look for clues.
What are the main points in this chapter?

Learning activity at home – Children to complete a 4ws grid for the second chapter.

Who? Where? What? When?


Session 3 

Reread the second chapter concentrating on Hogarth in particular. As you read the chapter, note down any thoughts and feelings Hogarth has.

Think about the question – Did Hogarth felt the same throughout the chapter?  Did his thoughts and feelings change? Why do you think this is?

Learning activity at home – Write down how Hogarth feels at different points in the chapter and give a reason for his feelings. E.g He felt nervous because he thought he was being watched


Session 4

Reading chapter 3.


Chapter 3 What



Printable version below – click the link

Learning activity at home – Think about the first three chapters and focusing on the Iron Man, Hogarth and Hogarth’s father. Do the character’s thoughts and feelings stay the same throughout the three chapters? Write down how you think the Iron Man is feeling in each of the first three chapters. How do you know this? What clues are there?
Do you feel sorry for Iron Man? Why?

Guided Reading 

Read the text below and then complete the different tasks


The Magic Faraway Tree extract


Printable version below – click on the link


Session 1

Read the first three pages of the magic faraway tree and complete a 4ws grid. (Who? Where? What? When?)

Session 2

Read pages 1-4 and highlight any words they are unsure of and think of the definitions of the words.

  • in a cottage
  • enchanted wood
  • saucepan man
  • a little camp-bed
  • the bedside cabinet

Look at the words underlined above and create a glossary of the underlined words.

Session 3

What type of character do you think the children’s mum is? What about the children? Can you come up with three words to describe each of the main characters from the first four pages.

Can you complete the following sentence about each of the characters using one of the words they have generated.

The mother is __________ because _______________

Use evidence from the text to justify the words they chose.


This week in Year 3 we will be looking at  Division

Session 1  – to divide by 3

Watch the Home learning video below – click on the link

Task 1 – White Rose Activity sheet




Printable version below – click on the link

Task 2 – Use your Maths no Problem workbooks which you can collect from school and complete pages 95-96

Session 2 – to divide by 4

Watch the Home learning video below and then complete the tasks

Task 1– White Rose Activity sheets




Printable version below – click on the link

Task 2 –  Use your Maths no Problem workbooks which you can collect from school and complete pages 97-98

Session 3 – to divide by 8

Watch the Home learning video and complete the tasks below

Task 1 – White Rose Activity sheets




Printable version below – click on the link

Task 2 – Use your Maths no Problem workbooks which you can collect from school and complete pages 101-102


In Science this week we will be looking to answer these questions :

What is a vertebrate?   What is an invertebrate?    How do they differ?

Key Vocabulary – Skeleton, invertebrate, vertebrate, vertebral column

Learning Activity
• Watch BBC Bitesize class clip What is a vertebrate? Click on the link to access the video
• Read through the information underneath the clip and then play the ‘What is a vertebrate?’ quiz.

• Watch BBC Bitesize class clip What is an invertebrate?
• Read through the information underneath the clip and then play the ‘What is a vertebrate?’ quiz.
• Draw and label a picture of an animal that is a vertebrate and an invertebrate.


This week in RE we are considering the questions

Who inspires you?
What do we already know about Judaism?
What do Jews believe about God?

Key vocabulary – Jew, Jewish, Judaism, God, Torah Scrolls, synagogue, leader,  leadership

Learning Activity
• Watch BBC Bitesize clip ‘What is Judaism?’  and read through the information about what Jews believe and where they worship.
• Next label and match the 4 Jewish items?
• Produce a poster for Judaism showing what you already know and what you have learned about it from the video and text.
• Email your finished poster to school.


This half term we will be studying the Mayan Civilisation in our history sessions.
Below is the BBC bitesize link to introduce the topic. Make sure you’ve read the information and watched the videos.
Then dive in and test your knowledge with our quiz!
Click on the link to access the webpage and activities.