
01524 410286

Hampton Road

Morecambe, LA3 1EJ

Below is the home learning for those children who are working from home at the moment. Remember you can call the school office for a paper pack of all the work if you prefer. Complete your work in the Home learning book you were given over the first lockdown. If you require another one, please don’t hesitate to ask. Send in your work to



This week in our English we are looking at Winter poetry. Have a look at the poems and information below.

Session 1 What do we know about winter? Come up with some ideas.
Look at pictures of winter in the power point and read some information about what happens in winter – click on the link below.


Think about the 5 senses. Split up your page and think about what you can hear? smell? touch? taste? see? Jot down your ideas. You will need these ideas tomorrow to put together some senses sentences.





Printable version below – click on the link

Session 2

Revisit senses work from previous day.
Can you now put together some sentences about Winter using your senses. Think about adding adjectives (describing words) to expand your sentences.

Session 3
Remind children of all the work done previously on adjectives and the senses.
T to model writing a poem using all 5 senses and previous days up-levelling work.
Children to write their own senses poem for winter.






Printable version below – click on the link


This week in Year 2 we are looking at Number bonds to 100.

Session 1  – to know number bonds to 100

Here are some great videos for children to recap numbers to 100

Know your bonds

Task 1 – Complete your White Rose activity sheet below




Printable version below

Session 2  – to know number bonds to 100

Number bonds to 100


Task 1 – Can you now complete the White Rose Activity sheets below?



Task 2 – The Maths no Problem workbooks will be available for collection later this week. Complete pages 13-14 all about number bonds.


We are continuing to look at different materials. Can you use things around the home to try and complete some of these tasks.
Can I build a shelter? Can I test my shelter for being waterproof? Can I test my shelter for strength?
Can I evaluate how to improve my shelter next time?

Key Vocabulary – Shelter, tent, build, material, waterproof, test, strength, fan, water, pour, discuss, conclusion.

Learning Activity
Use your previous knowledge about materials to investigate building your own shelter.

Can you then use a cup of water and fan to test your shelter for strength and size.
How could you improve it next time?  Can you build a shelter from a different material to compare them?


We are looking at the artist Matisse at the moment in Year 2.

Key Vocabulary –  Collage, paint, artist, technique, French Expressionism, shapes, colour, image, arrange, bright, vibrant, bold, contrast, primary colours, secondary colours, complimentary, cutting, stick, leaf, nature.

Learning Activity –  Revisit Henri Matisse. What have we learnt about the artist? Refresh your memory by looking at the TATE Modern information.

Follow the link –


There is some further information for you to look at about the artist Henri Matisse below


Lesson 4 slides



What are the primary and secondary colours?  Use the colour wheel to look at which colours complement each other.

Look at Henri Matisse’s collages which use nature (leaves, plants, vegetables etc). .

Look at ‘La Gerbe’ below translated as  The Sheaf.

Can you create your own ‘sheaf inspired’ artwork using leaf shape cutting? Use coloured paper or even cut up an old magazine into leave shapes and create you pictures.


We are looking at the human and physical features of an area this week in our Geography

Key Vocabulary –  Physical feature, beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, natural, human feature, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour, shop, man-made and built.


Learning Activity  – Can you watch the BBC Bitesize video to learn about what a human and a physical feature are? Click on the link below to access the video.

Look at the pictures below and learn key words for specific human and physical features. Then sort the pictures into 2 groups. Split your page into 2 and sort pictures into human and physical features and write the name next to each.

Human and physical features pictures to sort