
01524 410286

Hampton Road

Morecambe, LA3 1EJ


Below is the home learning for those children who are working from home at the moment.

We are continuing with our daily loom videos and you can watch all of the videos daily. They will be uploaded to the webpage by 9.30am each day. If you want to watch a video back from last week to help you recap previous learning, click on the links below.

Remember you can call the school office for a paper pack of all the work if you prefer. Complete your work in the Home learning book you were given over lockdown. If you require another one, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Send in your work to

Find out what you are doing today on our Welcome loom video are below – this will run through your timetable for the day



Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –



Need to recap last week? Last week’s Loom videos are below – click on the link

Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –
Friday –

This week’s English Loom videos are below


Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday –


You will find the activities for this week’s English below.  Watch the daily loom videos and then complete the work.


English plan for this week – click on the link below 

english 1st feb


 Writing resources 

Watch the daily loom videos for most tasks
Friday  – You will need this for Friday’s task

jungle plan print out 1st feb


Guided reading 

print off owl and talk for write


Need to recap last week? Last week’s Loom videos are below – click on the link

Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –
Friday –

This week’s Maths Loom videos are below


Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –


The Maths activities are below (click on the link) and the resources are underneath for each day.


Maths plan for this week – click on the link below 

Maths planning sheet (4)

Maths resources for the week 




Monday's Sheet



Need a bigger printable version? Click on the link below


Tuesday’s Sheets


Wednesday’s Sheets


Thursday’s Sheets


Friday’s Sheets




Key Knowledge Questions / Key facts / Key Skills
How does a magnet work?
When do magnets attract each other?
When do magnets repel each other?
To know that magnets have two different poles.
To observe and explain how magnets repel and attract each other.
I can describe how magnets work.
I can describe when magnets repel and attract each other and explain why.


Key Vocabulary    Magnet, magnetic, non-magnetic, magnetism, attract, repel, poles, north pole, south pole, pushing, pulling
Learning Activity 
In this lesson, we will learn what magnets are and test putting magnets together in different ways to see whether the ends are attracted or repelled. Click on the orange link below

Science resources  – click on the link below to access the resources for the session



Key Knowledge Questions  / Key Facts / Key Skills 
To create a Matisse inspired collage
Key Vocabulary Lines, sketch, pencil, shade, 3D, build, create, texture, colour, tone, collage
Learning Activity 
You are going to make your very own Matisse-inspired collage. Take a closer look at nature and be creative with shapes and colours as you cute out your own masterpiece!
Henri Matisse is a French artist known for making colourful works of art. He used a variety of materials in his work, including paint, bronze (for his sculptures), and he also made drawings using charcoal.
As Matisse became older, he began to work with brightly coloured paper and would ‘paint with scissors’ to cut out shapes, animals, leaves, dancers and flowers and arrange them.
Take a look at the link or PDF below for your activity.




Key Knowledge Questions / Key Facts / Key Skills 
To understand chronology
Key Vocabulary Chronology, BC, AD, century
Learning Activity 
Understanding chronology is very important in our history studies. This lesson is designed to revisit and deepen our understanding of where events and dates occur on a timeline.


Take a look at the following PDF which explains Chronology – click on the link below to access


Have a go at completing the following activity.


Key Knowledge Questions  / Key facts / Key Skills 
To understand the human and physical features of Wales.
Key Vocabulary Human, physical, Wales
Learning Activity 
Test your knowledge of last week’s learning with this quiz about the geography of Scotland. Click on the link to take part in the quiz


In this lesson, we will recap our knowledge of the seven continents, and locate the UK on a world map.

We will then zoom into Wales and look at the different human and physical geographical features.

We can then compare these to the area where we live, as well as comparing them to Scotland.

  • If you would like to deepen your learning you could use maps to research the rivers, mountains and interesting human features of Scotland or Wales. Can you find the longest word place name in Europe which is located in Wales?



Key Knowledge Questions  / Key Knowledge / Key Skills
Who was Moses?
Why is Moses the most important leader in the history of Judaism?
What qualities did Moses show?
To know that Moses is an important leader in Judaism.
To be able to explain why Moses was a special leader.
Explore and discuss some moral and religious stories, sacred writings and sources, placing them in the context of the belief system.
Key Vocabulary Jew, Jewish, Judaism, God, Moses, Exodus, trust, inspire, relationship, leader, leadership
Learning Activity 
  • At the beginning of our topic on Judaism we watched a video, introducing the main concepts of Judaism and then we produced a poster.
  • Watch the clip again and then read the information about Moses, the most important Jewish prophet.

Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about the life of Moses and why he became the most important prophet in Judaism.
Watch this clip which introduces the story of Moses’ life and how he led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt through the red sea to their promised land.


Do you think Moses was a good leader? What qualities did Moses show during the story of the Exodus?



Key Knowledge Questions  / Key Knowledge / Key Skills 
To use a sequence of moves to create and follow a dance.
Key Vocabulary Dance, heartrate, muscles, music, sweat, co-ordinate, pulse, fitness, movement
Learning Activity 
This week we will be learning how to dance in P.E.
Watch the video via the link below and join in with the KidsBop team who will teach you some fantastic dance moves.



This week you will learn what biodiversity means and what makes up an ecosystem. You will also learn that these places are under threat, discuss with somebody at home about what you can do to help.