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Morecambe, LA3 1EJ


Below is the home learning for those children who are working from home at the moment. Remember you can call the school office for a paper pack of all the work if you prefer. Complete your work in the Home learning book you were given over lockdown. If you require another one, please don’t hesitate to ask. Send in your work to


This week we are looking at the book ‘A little bit of Winter’. Follow the link below to access the text and activities.



2.11.20 A Little Bit of Winter


A printable version is below – click on the link



Click on the link below to access this week’s Maths activities from White Rose Maths. Remember, if you would rather have a paper copy of these activities call the school office and we can arrange for you to collect these.



We are still looking at Animals this week in Science. Use the pictures from last week to complete the activities. Click on the link to access the pictures again if you need to print them off again.

Pics Of Animals

Activity 1

Quick game What animal am I thinking of? Describe using animal parts.

Lay pictures in front of your child.  Thinking Questions

Show me an animal that can run fast? What features do they have to help them run fast?  What job do theirs tails do? Show me an animal that can survive under water? Why can’t humans live under water? (recap vocab from last week) Show me an animal that can lay eggs? Fly? Live in land and in the water?

Activity 2   Choose 2 animals – horse and tiger

How are they different? How are they the same? Watch the click below all about horses.

Here are some tips

Same – 4 legs, 2 eyes, tail, fur, 2 ears, nose to smell, runs fast

different –

horse mane, nostrils, hooves, we use horses in sport and transport

tiger claws, sharp teeth, stripes, whiskers

Activity 3

Choose  2 diff animals -crocodile /bird- what is the same and different?

same – 2 eyes,  lay eggs

different – beak, scaly skin, 4 short legs, wings, sharp teeth, fly, lives in water and on land, lives in nests in trees and on cliffs,


P4C / Values

What does it mean to belong to a group or club?

Learning activity –  Look at these pictures on the power point below. Click on the link below to access the Power point


Can you identify the club or group the children belong to?

Watch the video clip about the sea cadets – click on the link

Talk about the clubs or groups you belong to. If you do not belong to a club, think about your family or your group of friends at school. What do the members of the club have in common? e.g. Uniform, same Interests. What do you do in your club or group? e.g. Learn together.


We are continuing to look at the artist Jackson Pollock this week. Click on the links below to remind you all about him and find out some more information. Remember, if you would rather have a paper copy of the information call the school office and we will arrange for you to collect a copy.

Activity – Recap learning on the techniques that Jackson Pollock used when creating his artwork. Use paint in a squeezy bottle, experiment the variety of patterns/shapes/lines you can make. If you don’t have paint, maybe use a different material from around the house or call into school and we can sort something out for you. Use a small piece of paper to begin with the increase the control of the paint. Use a variety of colours in your painting. Can you experiment with dribbling, dripping, splashing? What happens when you squeeze the bottle gently/ quickly?

Vocabulary to use when talking about Jackson Pollock – Colour, Paste, Brush , Edit, Fill, Tools, Curser, influence, drip, dribble, splash, automatism, abstract, action painting


What did Guy Fawkes do that makes us burn a guy on Bonfire Night?

Guy Fawkes facts

1. Guy Fawkes was born in 1570 in York, England. 2. He plotted to use explosives to destroy the Houses of Parliament and King James I. 3. 5th November 1605 – Planned day of the plot. 4. The plot was unsuccessful and Guy Fawkes was executed. 5. We celebrate this event on Bonfire Night.

Activity – To understand that The Gunpowder Plot happened in the past and use language relating to the past. Can you sequence the main events of the Gunpowder Plot and recount the story? Watch the BBC Bitesize clip below to find out more about Guy Fawkes. Click on the link


Key Vocabulary – Guy Fawkes, James I, plot, Houses of Parliament, government, laws, gunpowder, capital city, executed, bonfire, explosives, monarch, treason