
01524 410286

Hampton Road

Morecambe, LA3 1EJ


Below is the home learning for those children who are working from home at the moment. Remember you can call the school office for a paper pack of all the work if you prefer. Complete your work in the Home learning book you were given over lockdown. If you require another one, please don’t hesitate to ask. Send in your work to



This week we are continuing to read Paddington. Below you will see some questions to think about whilst you are reading the story. Read pages 17-20.

P17 What is the Browns address?
What do you think it means when Judy says “she’s a bit fierce at times?”
What does it mean when it says “his knees began to wobble?”
P19 How did Mrs Bird greet Paddington? (links with ‘exclaimed- new vocab from Monday) what else could she be saying or thinking?
P20- Why does Judy think Mrs Bird might like Paddington?

Activity  – Think about what Mrs Bird might be saying to Paddington when she first sees him. Can you write a simple speech bubble for what Mrs Bird would say? Try to write a simple sentences (or sentences) of what they think she would say.


Read to the end of the book.

Look at the  2 pictures of Paddington – one after he left the café and one at the Browns house.


comparing paddington


Click on the printable link below

Think about….  what’s the same and different about Paddington? What words would you use to describe Paddington? Now think about different words to describe Paddington. Can you write some simple sentences – don’t forget to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of the sentence.


Look at the whole story.

Questions to think about…

How Paddington is feeling at the end? How would you feel?

We are now thinking about how a story is put together.
Stories are always written so there’s a beginning – which introduces the character and the ‘problem’ in the story .

The middle- which is all about what happens to the characters along the way – what do they get up to whilst they are trying to sort out the problem?

and then… the ending – where the problem is sorted out.

Use pictures from the story. Sequence 3 main events in the story to retell story orally using phrases like ‘At the beginning of the story…” “in the middle of the story…” “At the end of the story…


Click on the link below to access this week’s Maths. This is linked to the model we are using in school.




In Science, we are looking at the weather and the different seasons.

Click on the link below and watch lessons 1, 2 and 3 all about the weather and the seasons


We are looking at toys from the past in our History. Click on the link below and watch the two films about Toys from the past. (Lessons 3 and 4)