
01524 410286

Hampton Road

Morecambe, LA3 1EJ

22nd May 2020

Dear Families,

Can I start by saying a big thank you for your patience. All of the staff have been appreciative of the support you have shown us during this challenging time. I can now confirm our plans after half term. Everything is subject to changes in Government advice and ultimately the safety of the children and staff.

• The school will continue to take key worker and vulnerable groups after half term in the main school building. This group has continued to rise in numbers and it is important that we can offer more places. Some parents have placed their children back into school on a part-time basis or once a week. We will continue to encourage those that will benefit to return to school. Please drop an e-mail to
• We will prepare the school to introduce Year 6 children on the 15th June (unless the Government advice changes). Year 6 will work on transition and this will be for a time limited period of three weeks.
• Following this, we will review the policies and procedures in place to ensure the highest standards of health and safety can be achieved. This will take every classroom in the school. We may then introduce our Year 1, subject to it being safe, but this will not be in the school building due to the social distancing measures. This will not be before Monday 29th June.
• All groups in the school must be kept separate and work in ‘a bubble’. This is to avoid cross contamination.
• Teachers and support staff will be assigned to ‘a bubble’ and will remain with those children.
• Desks will be placed 2 metres apart in the classrooms, to adhere to social distancing regulations. There will be no more than 10 children in a class.
• Soft furnishing will be removed and the resources will be limited so that they can be throughly cleaned everyday.

• Breaks and lunches will be staggered and children will remain in their ‘bubble’ during these times. Social distancing must also apply to outdoor activities.

• Drop off and pick up times will be staggered to allow for social distancing.

• Signage and screens will be erected and distancing tape placed on the floor.

• Measures are in place to isolate adults and children who become ill and we have PPE if these circumstances arise.

I realise this is a lot to take in. We decided not to shut the school to prepare for wider opening as this would effect our key worker families and our communities which they serve. I thank my staff for volunteering to work their holidays for the second time

The Chair of Governors and I think a phased plan is a sensible and safe way of ensuring that we protect your children and I will evaluate the impact of the measures in place at every stage of the plan.

As I have said before I will trust and respect your judgement as to sending your child back to school. There are no fines.

Thank you for the lovely comments about the home learning packs, the children were obviously really excited! Home learning will continue and is led by Mrs Lupton. It will have less relience on having technology and be based around good old pen and paper! It will also be much more specific in Maths and English e.g spellings.

I would appreciate it if you would please complete the questionnaire on Parent App so I can gauge numbers.

May I politely request that you e-mail me and not respond to me via Facebook.

If you need any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care everyone.

Mrs Hickson & Mrs Banks-Lyon